Honor Code Reporting Forms

Honor Code Reporting Form for Faculty/Staff
Please use this form to report a possible violation of the Honor Code. The Head of the Honor Board will read this report and will contact you about next steps. Once all documents have been submitted by the confronting party and the responding student, the Head will consult with the Dean of Student Life to decide whether to convene the Honor Board for a hearing. Please keep in mind that all parties, including the responding student, will be able to read the documents submitted.

The Heads may decide that 1) a hearing before the full Honor Board is warranted; 2) an alternative approach involving a conversation among the student, faculty, and Honor Board Heads is appropriate; 3) a Dean’s Panel should be convened; or 4) no further action should be taken. Please review the Honor Code for information about procedures.

Tonja Nixon, the Vice Chair of the Honor Board, will work with you to schedule subsequent meetings. If you have any questions at all please contact the Head of the Honor Board, Xenya Currie (xcurrie@nwacro.com).

Honor Code Reporting form for Undergraduate or Post-Baccalaureate Student

Please use this form to report a possible violation of the Honor Code by another student. The Head of the Honor Board will read this report and will contact you about next steps. Once all documents have been submitted by the confronting party and the responding student, the Head will consult with the Dean of Student Life to decide whether to convene the Honor Board for a hearing. Please keep in mind that all parties, including the responding student, will be able to read the documents submitted.

The Heads may decide that 1) a hearing before the full Honor Board is warranted; 2) an alternative approach involving a conversation among the student, faculty, and Honor Board Heads is appropriate; 3) a Dean’s Panel should be convened; or 4) no further action should be taken. Please review the Honor Code for information about procedures.

Tonja Nixon, the Vice Chair of the Honor Board, will work with you to schedule subsequent meetings. If you have any questions at all please contact the Head of the Honor Board, Xenya Currie (xcurrie@nwacro.com).

Student Form to Respond to Confrontation under the Honor Code

Please use this form to respond if you have been confronted about a possible violation of the Honor Code. The Head of the Honor Board will read this report and will contact you about next steps. Once all documents have been submitted by the confronting party(ies) and the responding student(s), the Head will consult with the Dean of the Undergraduate College to decide whether to convene the Honor Board for a hearing. Please keep in mind that all parties involved will be able to read the documents submitted.

The Heads may decide that 1) a hearing before the full Honor Board is warranted; 2) an alternative approach involving a conversation among the student(s), confronting party(ies) and the Honor Board Heads is appropriate; 3) a Dean’s Panel should be convened; or 4) no further action should be taken. Please review the Honor Code for information about procedures.

Tonja Nixon, the Vice Chair of the Honor Board, will work with you to schedule subsequent meetings. If you have any questions at all please contact the Head of the Honor Board, Xenya Currie (xcurrie@nwacro.com).